Indigo Cultural Center is excited to take part in the Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (CoE) second annual virtual conference, “Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Equity from the Start” this upcoming November 6-8th. Come check out our sessions at the times below.
Monday, November 6:
1:30pm ET / Decolonizing Reflective Supervision in IECMHC: Results from the National Digging Deeper Study (Indigo members: Dr. Eva Marie Shivers)
4:00pmET / Applying a Systems Lens to Decolonize IECMH from the ‘Inside-Out’ (Indigo members: Dr. Eva Marie Shivers, Natasha Pérez Byars, Dr. Jayley Janssen)
Tuesday, November 7:
11:20am ET / Closing Early: Equity Implications of Factors that Impact the Longevity of Consultation Relationships (Indigo members: Dr. Jayley Janssen)
12:30pm ET / Plenary – The Consultative Stance as Portal: Transforming Practice and Advancing Equity (Indigo members and collaborators: Kadija Johnston, Dr. Eva Marie Shivers, Dawn Yazzie, German Walteros)
Wednesday, November 8:
1:00pm ET / Looking Back to Move Forward: Tracing 3 Parallel Histories of IECMHC in San Francisco and their Impact on Equity Today (Indigo members: Dr. Jayley Janssen)
2:00pm ET / Equity Champions in IECMHC: Going Deeper to Increase Self-Awareness and Cultural Responsive Services (Indigo members: Dr. Eva Marie Shivers)
For those who have yet to register, please join the waitlist at: https://web.cvent.com/event/f0a9491b-68df-4bea-b21a-59328c4dd8c9/eventWaitlistPage:bb2c20cb-bf0a-4030-b015-2607ad643df8

ZERO TO THREE LEARN Institute, Palm Springs, CA – December 5 & 6, 2023
Dr. Shivers and our cherished partners, Dawn Yazzie and Nat Vikitsreth, will be the faculty members for Track 4: Creating Healing Justice-Based Leadership and Policies to Further the Well Being of Young Children and Their Families at the Zero to Learn Institute.
The Institute is an advanced, in-person opportunity for experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds and roles to work together to tackle the most pressing issues facing early childhood education and infant and early childhood mental health.