Webinar | Starts Dec 3 at 12:00 PM EST | $35
How do we go beyond self-care and burnout prevention to sustain our work with children and families for the long haul? Whether you’re a clinician, administrator, leadership team, or a policy maker, this two-hour workshop locates the sites of harm and the sites of healing in our helping and medical professions. CEUs available. Se ofrecerán servicios de interpretación al español 9am PT | 10am MT | 11am CT | 12pm ET
In this workshop, participants will:
Identify sites of harm and the sites of healing in our helping, mental health, and developmental professions
Explore cultural, liberation psychology rooted approaches to working with children and families
Increase self-awareness, critical analysis skills, and capacities to take action
Move beyond “cultural competence” to agitate the oppressive history of our field that shapes the meaning of “mental health”
How we be...
The workshop is grounded in indigeneity, spirituality, embodiment, storytelling, rituals, and play in connection to the theories and practices of infant and early childhood mental health, community mental health, and liberation psychology.
Who we're for...
We encourage infant and early childhood mental health clinicians, administrators, policy makers, and developmental and educational professionals who work directly and indirectly with children 0-5, their families, and the systems that serve them to attend this workshop.
What to expect...
Opening and closing rituals
A teach-in on Medical Industrial Complex
An invitation to practice embodiment, play, and dance
A teach-in on integrating liberation into IECMH
A group discussion on your current practices, your lineages, and your “why”
An invitation to join the Rooted Collective
Spanish language interpretation available | Se ofrecerán servicios de interpretación español
Get a sneak peak into the monthly gatherings and reflections that will take place as part of the 2025 Rooted Collective membership.
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